Texture for Pandaabase Female. Uses Poi 8.1 Toon.
つ4k 1x Base Decal, 1x Matcap, 1x Emission, 1x MetallicGloss and 1x NormalMap
つ1 x unity package with settings, matcaps, etc
つBase texture not included.
つBase Texture shown: GodFall (edited)
Terms of Use
つ Please do not claim these textures as your own. You are not allowed to resell the textures themselves.
つ You can use these textures on a model and sell that model. Please refrain from using these textures on any nitro or free platform.
つ If you provide a non-existent Discord tag or VRChat nickname (e.g., random letters or numbers), your license key will be deactivated. NO REFUND.
つ You are not allowed to share or redistribute these assets. Instead, direct others to my Gumroad page.
つ When using these textures on a model, please give proper credit by mentioning "oceantsu -"
つ If you purchase an avatar with these textures, you cannot use the textures on other avatars unless you buy them directly from me.
Unity View